Landscaping Around Trees and Other Tree-Based Projects

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Trees, Children and Safety Concerns: 4 Reasons Your Child's Safety Might Warrant Tree Removal

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When you have young children, a large yard is a godsend. An open yard that is well-secured and safe allows you to take care of household duties while your children play safely outdoors. But children are sometimes too curious for their own good. That’s why you need to make sure that any trees in your yard won’t pose any danger to your children. Australia has many regulations regarding tree removal. However, if the safety of your children is at risk, you may be granted permission to remove a hazardous tree on your property. Read More»

Nothing Divine About Tree-Choking Vines: Why Vines and Trees Can't Coexist

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A vine that is established and grown as part of garden décor, turning a fence or pole into a living, ornamental barrier, is a blessing to any gardening enthusiast. However, if not carefully monitored, a vine can snake its way around the trunks and branches of nearby trees. Although this might look spectacular for a while, eventually the vine may strangle and smother the tree. Just like the fast-growing lianas that are currently strangling the life out of many trees in the Amazon rain forest, some vine species are deadly to trees and should be removed as soon as possible. Read More»

Tree Care Tips: How to Get Rid of Spider Webs in Your Trees

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Trees are meant to create a serene and appealing outdoor space while providing shade from the scorching sun during the hot summer months. However, when large and silky webs begin to form in your trees, they become less attractive and more creepy and scary. You may be wondering what type of spiders makes their webs on trees. Learn what these webs and spiders are, their effects on trees, and the measures that you can take to get rid of them and restore the appeal of your trees. Read More»

Family Tree: Can a New Tree be Planted Where Another Once Stood?

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In the early 1990s, Australian backyards began to shrink, leaving less room for trees and gardens, let alone the kid’s trampoline. Now with backyards often smaller than 50 metres squared, tree-planting space is at a premium. If you have recently had a dead, wounded or diseased tree removed from your backyard, you no doubt miss the shade and privacy it once provided you with.  While it is feasible to plant a new tree on the site of an old one, there are a few things you should take into consideration before deciding upon a course of action. Read More»

Little Known Ways That Tree Lopping Is Beneficial

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When considering tree services, there are three main ways that arborists can help you. These include pruning of your tree, lopping your tree and complete tree removal. Tree lopping and tree pruning are similar in the sense that they both involve the trimming of your tree. However, tree lopping differs from pruning in that lopping is much more severe. Instead of simply cutting a few twigs and leaves to maintain the appearance of your tree, lopping would involve cutting off large sections for a specific purpose. Read More»

Some Reasons Why It May Be Better to Have a Tree Removed Than Just Trimmed

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Removing a tree from your property can be a difficult decision as trees can enhance the view of your property, provide privacy, and make a property seem more relaxing. They can also guard against soil erosion since the roots hold moisture in place. However, there are times when it’s better to have a tree removed altogether rather than just simply trimmed: 1. When the roots are threatening the property Roots can wrap around plumbing pipes or nestle up against a home’s foundation and cause the materials to crack and suffer leaks and other damage. Read More»

When to Call for Tree Services for Your Property

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Tree services, or the trimming and pruning of trees, is almost always best left to a professional. He or she will be able to trim branches at the right angle and in the right area so that the branch doesn’t weaken after being cut. They also know how to keep themselves safe while working at heights and while trimming. While a professional can give you advice on how trees can be trimmed, note when you want to call for trimming services on your property: Read More»

Your Newest Guide To Maintenance of Treated Pine Boards

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Treated pine boards can be used to make fences since they are designed to withstand harsh weather elements better than their untreated counterparts. All the same, nothing is fully protected from the elements. Treated pine fences will need to undergo maintenance if they are to hold up well for a long time. Setting up a yearly maintenance schedule assists in keeping the fence in good shape for many years to come. Read More»

Benefits of Hiring Tree Removal Services

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Trees are a natural way of beautifying property and giving it a homey look. However, a damaged or rotting tree can pose great safety hazard to those living near it. It is important for such a tree to be removed before it breaks off and damages property or blocks pathways. Sometimes, tree branches may break due to a storm or strong winds and block driveways or roads. The process of tree removal is a complex one that you should not try to undertake on your own. Read More»

Common Tree Removal Methods

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When you have a tree or several trees in your front yard or backyard that need removing for one reason or another, you will need to hire a tree removal company to do the job. But before you make that move, you should be aware of the common tree removal methods that these professionals use so that you’re well-informed when they give you the options for your particular situation. Top Down Removal – With a top-down removal, a tree specialist, also known as an arborist, will first cut off all the branches of the tree as he climbs up to the top. Read More»