Landscaping Around Trees and Other Tree-Based Projects

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Why Stump Grinding Makes More Sense Than Stump Removal For Most Households

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There are few things that are more stubborn than tree stumps in your backyard. Not only do they look quite messy when they are in plain view of the house, but they are almost impossible to remove on your own. There are two major services that can get rid of tree stumps: tree stump removals and tree stump grinding. While tree stump removal might sound like the better option, in many cases, tree stump grinding is actually the smarter choice for Australian households. Read More»

Weed Management: 4 Tips to Get an Upper Hand on Weeds Before Spraying

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Weeds are a considerable menace to any gardening efforts. They snowball and choke the life out of healthy plants by starving them of nutrients, water and sunshine. Today, there are numerous weed control measures to manage these unwanted plants. You can access a wide range of weed killers in your local garden centre, all of which promise a quick stop to the insurgence of weeds.  However, not all can meet your expectations when considering effective weed control and management. Read More»

Is It Time to Remove That Tree? 5 Signs to Guide You

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Trees are essential in many ways, which is why you are encouraged to plant as many as you can. For instance, growing some trees in your yard provides shade and helps purify the air in your home. You can also get fresh produce when you plant various trees, such as mango, orange, apple, clove, cinnamon and nutmeg trees. As beneficial as trees are, sometimes it is necessary to cut the tree down for safety purposes. Read More»